суббота, 29 февраля 2020 г.


Then just install the old driver 4. Like maybe something more recent than a 7 years old driver? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I am having the exact same problem with an hi v2 - it worked fine on the PC for a few months. Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device.
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Thanks for posting this. Hope you get that sorted out. You can then set link not to start up and also set you profile and store it to the AIO controller. Same boat as OP z asus hero alpha.

This solution works on the following CPU cooler: Looking for a particular type of content?

Corsair USBXp Driver not digitally signed for Windows 10 FCU : Corsair

There's no need for petty insults on this sub. Last edited by Gr0u; at Originally Posted by Gr0u.

Definitely not the out of the box experience. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.

Corsair USBXp Driver? - The Corsair User Forums

Any other customer support posts will be removed. Corsair submitted 1 year ago by akr For the USB, I am still waiting for my internal cable. I'm going to repost this to the cooler section of the forum too. Find all posts by Breene.


I had the same corsari I seem to have fixed it by moving my external USB drives to different ports on the back - I moved them from the ones closest to the Ethernet port to the ones closest to the top. I had the same issue with the usbxpp error 52 i believe in windows 10 64bit, and the link4 software not detecting my hi gtx at all. Hey guys, Today, I ran into a puzzling problem.

I am having the exact same problem with an hi v2 - it worked fine on the PC for a few months. C'mon Corsair do you not test updates before you release it? As soon as I plug the pump to the single!

All times are GMT I would start out by verifying if the cable is faulty. The Link software to control the pump works well when connected to an external USB port. Have a press inquiry?

This means no brigade incitements, personal attacks, or "mentioning" a user in order to annoy or harass them, etc. View Posts by Category Looking for a particular type of content?

How to Fix Corsair Link Undetected Devices (Unverified Digital Signature Driver)

Super helpful, cprsair happens at least once every two months so i starred this article. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Usually, when you install this driver — it will pop up an error message: Please flair your posts accordingly. The other option usbp be to check if the header is faulty with a different device that plugs into an internal header. The perils of purchasing used User Name Remember Me? I have followed your instructions but it still does not show up.

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